NACA is so excited to share with you that we have updated and streamlined the process for NACA certification holders to upload and track required CEUs.
We have enabled a CEU tracking feature available in the member portal dashboard – simply log in, upload, and submit! An easy way for you to track, print transcripts, and ensure you are meeting the requirements for recertification!
The process will remain very similar, the biggest change is that NACA has created a CEU tracking form for you to download and use to track your CEUs. Simply download, fill out the CEU form, and submit via email prior to expiration.
Q: I have never seen the CEU requirements, is this new?
A: No, NACA previously required CEU submission every 3 years to maintain certification in good standing. This change only affects the submission process.
Q: What if I have already submitted my CEUs through the existing website?
A: Any submitted CEUs prior to (3/28/2022) will be automatically added for you, you will not need to re-submit. Non-Members will need to submit the full report upon expiration of the 3-year certification cycle.
Q: What if I have taken but not submitted my CEUS in a few years? Do I have to recertify?
A: No. If you have a record of all your CEUs and submit them via the new process, NACA will offer a 1-year grace period for you to submit your backdated CEUs.
Q: Why a new process, what was wrong with the old process?
A: The new process is streamlined and supports easier tracking for the certificate holder. In addition, this process ensures that Nationally Certified ACOs have the ability to self-report all CEUs and be able to easily access their own personal records.
Q: I need a place to track other CEUs as well (for other NON-NACA certifications), can I use this same tracking feature?
A: YES! This tracking feature is an added benefit for NACA Members and can be used to track all CEU certifications. From this feature, you can export your transcripts and use them however you need.
Q: I am not a member of NACA, can I use the tracking feature as well?
A: No, the tracking feature is only available for members with an active account. The process for non-NACA members will remain very similar to how it is now, with the submission being emailed. Non-NACA members can access the excel template from our website in which to track CEUs and will be required to submit via email.
Q: What if I have never completed any CEUs, is my certification still valid?
A: No, NACA previously required CEU submission every 3 years to maintain certification in good standing. If you have no record of any CEUs you will need to recertify. Email us if you have questions or want to talk about your specific situation, we are happy to connect!
Q: My department doesn’t have the budget for travel currently so I may not be able to meet the requirements, how will I get my CEUs?
A: The limits posted in the policy are the maximum limits allowed in any one area and there is no requirement that the training be in person. There is not a minimum and the CEUs can be a mixture of items to equal 30 total, 10 per year. In addition, the core competency areas were added to expand the types of training that an officer can do that would count as an approved CEU. An example is below.
Year 1: 10 CEUs webinar
Year2: 5 other, 5 online
Year 3: 5 webinars, 5 other, or any combination thereof
Have additional questions? Feel free to reach out to us! We thank you for your commitment to continuing to set the standard and lead the way in animal care and control!