September 2022 Dispatch Digest Updates

Happy September! And what a busy month it will be for NACA and its members! We are thrilled to share that we have 12 board member prospects for the upcoming election - be sure to update your member profile with your most current information to ensure you receive your...

Updated NACA Resource Library

Updated NACA Resource Library

If there is one soap box I like to stand on, it is not recreating the wheel. So many times, in our industry the same thing is needed across multiple agencies, and wouldn’t we all like to save a few minutes in our day and not have to recreate the wheel someone else is...

NACA is Leading Conversations – Join Us!

NACA is Leading Conversations – Join Us!

NACA is pleased to be able to bring you another level of training and engagement for officers, by officers! We hope you will join NACA each month for our new series -LEADing Conversations! We will be facilitating a conversation, presentations, and Q&A on topics...

NACA Statement on Breed Specific Legislation

NACA Statement on Breed Specific Legislation

NACA Is Opposed to Breed Specific Legislation The National Animal Care & Control Association’s fundamental goal is to achieve safe and humane communities; Our priority is safety, first and foremost, in the most effective and most comprehensive way possible....

Humane Highlight – July 2022

Summer PiperSan Diego Humane Society Emergency Response Team Volunteer  Summer is a vital member of the San Diego Humane Society's Emergency Response Team (ERT). She has the role of Lead Scout in the Fire Animal Search and Rescue Team that focuses on evacuating large...

NACA extends a heartfelt and special thank you to the sponsors of the 2024 State Association Summit. Their generous support was instrumental in making this event a reality, and without it, the summit would not have been possible.